Alternatives to Therapy

  • Coaching

    Coaching is a wellness service that can help you make progress in your life in order to attain greater fulfillment. A coach can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. This service may not be appropriate for individuals struggling with serious mental illness and is NOT covered by insurance.

    Coaching is NOT a replacement for psychotherapy. However, mild clinical challenges (e.g., social anxiety, situational depression, etc.) may be adequately addressed through this service.

    This service is NOT covered by insurance.

  • Peer Support

    Peer Support is the practice of being heard, validated and encouraged, receiving assistance and individualized support from someone you identify with and share similar experiences (e.g., a peer). Peer support is less clinical by nature, which allows for a communal safe space that makes room for equality, vulnerable expression and empathic emotional connectedness. It offers an opportunity to incorporate holistic and spiritual healing modalities, such as meditation and stillness, writing exercises, and energy releasing techniques.

    Peer Support can be a cost-effective form of support that compliments clinical care or precede it, if clinical care is not yet determined to be necessary.

    Peer Support is NOT a replacement for psychotherapy or equipped for identification, treatment and/or management of serious mental illness.

    This service is NOT covered by insurance.

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